So finally we step into the cabin. Its a unique experience to see the railway tracks that we see everyday but now from the point of view of someone who's gonna manouver on them. Joe uncle is very kind and keeps up a continuous monologue describing all the little useful things that make up the cabin. Its fascinating to see the multitude of controls and signals that aid the motorman.
And that is when my misconception about driving a train broke once and for all! I used to think that like any other vehicle, one actually has to steer the train on the rails.........n now thats some job!! Taking care of the shifting tracks and all.. But thats not how it works. The motorman simply has two sets of brakes at his hands- air brakes and pneumatic electrically controlled brakes. And speed is the only thing that he has to control while moving between stations. Well sounds simple enough eh? Thats what I thought too.... but having to keep drifting your eyes between the host of signals and alerts built in the cabin, its quite a herculean task!
The train that karan had travelled in earlier had just one chair for the motorman and he'd had to stand. But this cabin, we were surprised to see, had two chairs and so we could comfortably sit and enjoy the view! (apart from Joe who had to worry about driving the train, for us it was quite a fun ride!) Joe kept filling us in about the three types of signals near every station that indicate the position of the preceding train in front, so as to adjust the speed accordingly. Joe was giving some sort of a directly proportional formula.. "yellow double signal..toh 35 ka speed. nahitoh we can go beyond 50" etc etc. And as many of you must've been sharing my doubt about "How do the specific train bogies like First Class always halt exactly near the stripes where its supposed to?? Driver ko kaise dikhta hai??"........Well the train comfortably halts at a position marked as EMU HALT. N thats the only thing the motorman has to worry about. (y am i giving you the impression that driving a train is no big deal :D hee hee) no offence to the skilled motormen haan.... they have to train for years to drive the "esteemed" Mumbai local! (esteemed eh?)
I also learnt about an "intelligent" auxiliary agent built in the cabin to take charge of the train in case of emergencies..which include the motorman sleeping off!!! Damn convenient na.. Then Joe told us how the control room at VT centrally keeps track of all trains and controls the track positioning and everything. All of this was amazing amazing info.. kinda felt bombarded at the time honestly :D but gaining info was nevertheless a part of our supposed "official college project" remember?
Then just after a few stations, we wistfully got off at Matunga cz we had to attend college. Otherwise Joe was willing to take us all the way till Kalyan! I never wished for this ride to end.. It was just something that i myself wouldn't have imagined me doing some months back!
Would just like to add...Karan.. thanx yaar! Adios
Mayya stop reading it again n again... LOLZ :P
Hey you assimilated a LOT of info in one ride itself! You are now eligible to be a member of IRFCA! :)
What is this all about? Doesn't seem to fit in the scheme of things here!
lolz karan u hav no idea wht transpired while this post was being created... :P :D
n mons, how i envy u yaar!!! i wish i wud hav also being there to see it all... it wud hav been the icing on the cake, cuz i love EVERYTHNG abt trains. :)
@ annie...aww u love trains that much??
If that "i wish i wud hav also being there to see it all.." is indirectly directed at ME, lemme give you the bad news- its almost IMPOSSIBLE to have a re-run of this ride with u in place of Mona.. in all probability, all of us will be in jail if we tried! Ek baar risk liya kaafi hai!
Btw, even YOU seem to be eligible to join IRFCA. Go ahead both you babes! :)
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